Information Under Section 4, 1, (b) Under Right of Information Act 2005
- The Particulars of Organization, Functions and Duties
- Powers and Duties of Officers and employees of HMRDC
- The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability
- The norms set by it for the discharge of functions
- The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions
- Statement of the categories of documents that are held by HMRDC
- The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the Members of the public in relation to the formulation of HMRDC Policy or implementation thereof
- Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public
- Directory of Officers & employees of HMRDC
- Statement of Monthly remuneration received by each of its Officers and Employees including system of compensation as provided in its Regulations.
- Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made .
- The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.
- Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it.
- Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.
- The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
- The names, designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers.
- Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications every year.
1.The Particulars of Organization, Functions and Duties :
- i) Particulars of the organisation:
The Company was incorporated on 1st July 2003 as a joint venture SPV with equal equity participation by the Ministry of Railways and Government of Karnataka with the objective of development, financing, designing, construction, operation and maintenance of the broad gauge rail link connectivity between Hassan and Mangalore (referred to as ‘Project Railway’). It is a Government Company within the meaning of Sec. 2(45) of the Companies Act, 2013 and having its Registered office at No.36, MSIL House, 7th floor, Cunningham Road, Bangalore 560052 and also having its website: The Shareholder’s Agreement was signed by the Company with the Ministry of Railways, Government of Karnataka and Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited on 23rd October 2003. M/s. New Mangalore Port Trust and M/s. Mineral Enterprises Limited have become strategic partners by contributing ` 10.00 Crores each towards equity share capital constituting 18% of the total equity share capital of the Company. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.125 Crores and its paid up share capital is Rs.112 Crores. The Composition of the Board of Directors is regulated as per the Articles of Association read with Shareholders Agreement. The details of the present Board of Directors are furnished in Annexure 1
For the purposes of implementing the Project Railway, Ministry of Railways (MoR) has granted concession rights to the Company for the above activities vide Concession Agreement dated 18th March 2004. The concession is for a period of 32 years from the date of the Agreement. The Company has been given leasehold rights on the assets, which already existed in the Project Area as part of the earlier railway network up to 23.08.1996 including land (existing and acquired subsequently) for development of the leased assets during the concession period.
In order to fulfil its construction obligations, the Company had entered into a Construction Agreement dated 18th March 2004 with South Western Railway (SWR), whereby SWR were appointed as the Engineering, Procurement and construction (EPC) Agents for the Project Railway. The capital expenditure incurred by the Railways on the project Railway up to 31st March 2002 was converted and treated as subordinated / unsecured debt payable by the Company to Ministry of Railways.
The Company has entered into an Operations and Maintenance Agreement with South Western Railway on 18th March 2004 whereby SWR has been appointed as the operations and maintenance agency to operate the goods train services on the line and undertake maintenance of project assets till the end of the concession period.
The railway line was commissioned for Operation of freight services in May 2006 after completion of gauge conversion of the Project Railway.
To be the “model and nature centric JV of highest value” by metamorphosing vagaries of weather and dependence on Railways in to strengths duly leveraging staff, ghat beauty, technology and spiritual and by espousing team work, honesty and creativity as core values so that the interests of the shareholders and customers are served best.
To become Rs. 500 Crores net worth company by 2025 by:
- Augmenting Line Capacity.
- Vigorous marketing (along with SWR, NMPT and MEL).
- Tapping the commercial/tourist potential of the section.
- Creative use of technology.
- Taking up non-safety related works.
- Identifying efficient methods/processes to reduce operational cost.
- ii) Functions and duties (Objects) :
The main functions and duties (Objects) of the Company are: -
- To carry on the business of development, establishment, financing, construction, operations, maintenance and management of railway projects and facilities, and in particular for the development, establishment, financing, construction, operations, maintenance and management of the Hassan – Mangalore railway linkage, including without limitation to act as managers, administrators, executors, receivers, operators, custodians, nominees, promoters, developers, agents, attorneys, representatives, counsellors, consultants and advisers of railway projects.
- To mobilize capital from financial institutions, banks and investors and to manage the investment of such funds in railway projects.
- To promote, establish, manage and carry on any investment scheme, trust scheme or other participation schemes for investment in all kinds of assets including any shares, stocks, debenture stocks, bonds, units, loans, obligations, securitised debt, promissory notes, participation certificates, policies, money market investments, securities of the Central or State Government, Company, Corporations, Banks or financial Institutions, Municipal or Local or other Body or Authority or obligations or other securities or investments of any kind or description; and to acquire or enter into or deal in any derivative, option and swap, and to carry on the business of arranging or providing financial assistance, both fund based and non fund based, independently or in association with any person, Government or any other agencies, whether incorporated or not for the purposes of railway infrastructure development work or providing railway infrastructure facility or engaged in activities which shall include work or facility or providing of services in relation to or in connection with setting up, development, construction, operation, maintenance, modernisation, expansion and improvement of any railway project or facility.
- To promote, assist, advice, render and provide consultative, participative and management services in all matters relating to and all aspects of railway projects including policy formulation, promotion, development, implementation, construction, operation, maintenance, management and finance thereof.
- To carry on the business of negotiating loans and advances of all nature, to formulate schemes for the purpose of mobilisation of resources and to enter into any arrangement with the Government or any other authority or entity for sharing of profits, union of interest, co-operation, concession, lease or otherwise for the development of railway facility.
- Company has other objects incidental or ancillary to attainment of main objects as per the Memorandum of Association of the Company.
2) Powers and Duties of Officers and employees of HMRDC:
The affairs of the Company are managed by the CEO & Director, who is a SAG Officer on deputation from the Ministry of Railways. The CEO & Director has been delegated powers by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Company has 3 (Three) Key Managerial Personnel as required under the Companies Act, 2013 i.e. Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer. All the Officers and employees are assigned powers and duties and are responsible and accountable for their duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities are attached at Annexure 2.
3) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability :
The Board of Directors is the Apex Authority laying down policy and direction for the Company at its Meetings or through resolutions by circulation as and when required. The CEO has substantial powers of management and works subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the Board of Directors. The Board has delegated powers to the CEO. The other Officers and employees work under the direction and control of the CEO as per the existing rules of the Company. All important decisions are taken in consultation and with the approval of the CEO. All important matters are first initiated by the concerned Assistant and routed through his/her immediate Manager/Supervisor and routed through CFO, CS and then to CEO. The hierarchical levels in the company are required to carry out the responsibilities assigned to them. There are periodical reviews of the performance at each level including performance of Board of Directors, CEO which brings in responsibility and accountability at the various levels of the organisation.
While decision taken or minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors are not accessible by the public, important decisions regarding the Company and / or its management are being communicated to the statutory authorities as also to the public as required under the law from time to time. However, Company is publishing the Annual Report of the Company for its functioning and this can be viewed at Company’s website
4) The norms set by it for the discharge of functions
The Company functions as per the provisions contained in the Companies Act, 2013, the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company and other Acts and Rules as applicable to its operations. The Accounts of the Company are prepared on an annual basis which is audited by the Statutory Auditors appointed by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India and after receipt of his comments; the Accounts are placed for consideration and adoption of the Members of the Company at the Annual General Meeting. In addition, the Company has an Internal Audit, Secretarial Audit and Propriety Audit. The various Agreements such as Concession Agreement, Shareholders Agreement, Construction Agreement, Operation & Maintenance Agreement etc., executed by the Company with Ministry of Railways acts as a norm set for discharging functions.
5) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions
The Company has formulated Employment and Recruitment Rules for the Officers and staff of the Company which are in force. The Company has a TA/DA Rules, Leave Rules, LTC, HR Rules & Policies, Promotion and Appraisal Rules, Risk Management Policy, CSR Policy, Information Technology Policy, Conduct Rules, Disciplinary & Appeal Rules, Medical Attendance Rules, Deputation Rules, rules and regulations of the Ministry of Railways issued from time to time apart from other Agreements such as Concession Agreement, Shareholders Agreement, Construction Agreement, Operation & Maintenance Agreement etc., executed by the Company with Ministry of Railways.
The Company follows the IDA pattern of pay scales to its employees and the rules of the DPE are broadly adopted by the Board even though the same is not binding on the Company. There are also rules for payment of perquisites and benefits to the officers and staff. The statutory Acts and Rules are applicable to the various operations of the Company such as Service Tax, GST, Companies Act, Income Tax Act, Railways Act, EPF Act, etc.,. All purchases are made on transparent lines by inviting competitive quotations from the public and orders issued.
All important rules and regulations are available on the Company’s website i.e.
6) Statement of the categories of documents that are held by HMRDC or under its control or used by its employes for discharging its functions.
- i) Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
- ii) Shareholders Agreement, Construction Agreement, Concession Agreement, Operation & Maintenance Agreement.
iii) Balance Sheets/Annual Reports/Payment files/other correspondence files connected to Commercial and Operations, Accounts & Finance, HR, Work proposals of Railways etc.,.
- iv) Employment and Recruitment Rules, Promotion Rules, Appraisal Rules, Deputation Rules.
- v) Files, ledgers, registers & books and records relating to operations and train movements, O&M Cost and service matters ,.
- vi) Minutes Book of Board, AGM/EGM, Audit Committees, Nomination & Remuneration Committee, CSR Committee etc.,.
vii) Files relating to Writ Petition connected to the Company.
viii) Other Contracts/Agreements entered into in the operation and management of the Company.7) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the Members of the public in relation to the formulation of HMRDC Policy or implementation thereof
The Company being a commercial enterprise and working in a competitive environment does not involve the public in the formulation of its policies or implementation thereof. The Company’s policy is laid down by its Board of Directors and the Management is responsible for the implementation of the policy.
8) Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public:
The Company has been incorporated under the Companies Act 1956/2013 and pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, only Directors are entitled to inspect the minutes of the Board Meeting & other Committee Meetings. Similarly, members are entitled to inspect the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
As per the Articles of Association of the Company, the maximum strength of the Board of Directors is 12 . At present, the Board of Directors of the Company consists of 10 Directors. The Board of Directors of the Company meets regularly as per the requirements under the Companies Act, 2013.
There is a Committee to review complaints of Sexual harassment at working places. The Board has constituted an Audit Sub Committee consisting of 5 directors ( 3 are independent directors) to review the internal audit reports, appointment & remuneration of auditors, Budget, Examination of financial statement and auditor’s report, Evaluation of internal financial control & risk management systems etc.,.
The Board has constituted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee consisting of 3 Directors. The Board has approved CSR Policy of the Company which is in line with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. CSR Committee’s terms of reference include to formulate and recommend to the Board a CSR Policy; to review and recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the CSR activities; to monitor the CSR policy of the Company from time to time.
The Board has constituted a Nomination & Remuneration Committee consisting of 4 Directors. The Committee shall formulate the criteria for the appointment of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel and recommend to the Board a policy, relating to remuneration for the directors, key managerial personnel and other employees.
9) Directory of Officers/employees/Consultants of HMRDC
Sl. No.
Name & Designation of the Officer/ Staff
Mobile Number
Date of Birth
Mr. S. Gagarin, IRTS / CEO
Mr. S.N. Srinivasa / CS
Mr. S. Chandra Sekhar / CFO
Mr. C. Pradeep / Asst. Manager (A/c & Sec.)
Ms. Shilpa.K.N / Sr. Accounts Assistant
Mr. Raju. R / Sr. Assistant
Mrs. Poorva Vaibhav Joag / Sr. Executive Commercial
Ms. Chaitra.C / Sr. Admin. Assistant
Mr. Viswanathan / Consultant / HMRDC
Mr. B.R. Sridhar Iyengar / Consultant / HMRDC
Mr. Nanda Kumar / Consultant / Mysore
Mr. K.M. Mohideen Sab / Consultant / Arsikere
Mr. Muniswamy / Office Attendant
Mr. K. R. Bettaswamy / Office Attendant
10) Statement of Monthly remuneration received by each of its Officers and Employees including system of compensation as provided in its Regulations.
Sl. No.
Pay Scale (`)
Gross Salary (as on 30.04.2017)
CEO (on Deputation)
Basic ` 1,88,200/-
` 36,600 – ` 62,000/-
CFO (on Deputation)
Basic ` 99,500/-
Asst. Manager (A/c & Sec.)
` 20,600 – ` 46,500/-
Sr. Accounts Assistant
` 10,800 – ` 21,500/-
Sr. Assistant
` 10,800 – ` 21,500/-
Sr. Executive Commercial
` 16,400 – ` 40,500/-
Sr. Admin. Assistant
` 10,800 – ` 21,500/-
Office Attendant 1
` 4,000 – ` 10,500/-
Office Attendant 2
` 4,000 – ` 10,500/-
Gross Pay includes the following:
The Annual Increment is 3% of Basic pay.
Employee Benefits:
- Allowances
- Dearness Allowance as per IDA pattern; and
- House Rent Allowance limited to 30% of basic pay
In addition to the above, an employee may choose any of following allowance – subject to a overall limit of 50% of basic pay is admissible as per IDA Rules:
- Transport Allowance
- Newspaper Allowance
- Medical Allowance
- Children Education Allowance
- Bungalow Peon Allowance
- Statutory Benefits
- Provident fund – 12% of basic pay + dearness allowance
- Gratuity
- Other Staff Welfare Measures
- Group Superannuation Benefits
- Mobile Phone with monthly limits for official use
- Internet for official use
- Birthday Gift of ` 1,000/-
- Marriage Gift of ` 5,000/-
- Provision of briefcase
- Salary Advance
- Festival Advance
- Group Family Medical Insurance
- Group Personal Accident Insurance
- Incentive for small family norms
Consultants are appointed on consolidated pay for 6 months at a time and renewed every six months depending upon their performance/suitability/physical fitness for continuation.
- Consultant (O&M) : ` 35,000/-
- Consultant (Bills) : ` 20,000/-
- Consultant(Mysore) : ` 9,600/-
- Consultant(Arsikere) : ` 9,600/-
11) The Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made:
The Company prepares the Revenue and Capital Budget every year which are placed for approval of the Board of Directors. After approval, the Budgets are implemented to the extent possible and changes/deviations from the approved Budgets are brought to the information of the Board. The performance reports of the Company are placed for review by the Board of Directors of the Company, from time to time. Budget for the year 2017-18 is enclosed at Annexure....
12) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;
This does not apply to the Company.
13) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it:
This does not apply to the Company.
14) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form:
Presently, the Company does not have a system of furnishing information in the electronic form.
15) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
The Company has no library or Reading room for public use.
16) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.
- i) Public Information Officer:
S.N. Srinivasa,
Company Secretary,
MSIL House, No.36, 7th Floor, Cunningham Road,
Bangalore 560 052.
- ii) Appellate Authority :
S.Gagarin, IRTS,
CEO & Director,
MSIL House, No.36, 7th Floor, Cunningham Road,
Bangalore 560 052.
17) Such other information as may be prescribed & thereafter update these publications every year:
- a) Procedure for seeking of information and inspection of Records.
- b) Format for seeking information (Form A)
- c) Format inspection of records (Form B)
- d) Format for Appeal to Appellate Authorities (Form C)
- Procedure for seeking of information and inspection of Records
- Appointment of Public Information Officer (PIO :
- Public Information Officer (PIO) have been designated in HMRDC to receive the request for seeking information as far as applicable.
- Any Indian citizen who is seeking information, or inspection of records, under provisions of this Act, can file an application in Form-A or Form-B, as the case may be to the concerned PIO. These forms are available free of cost or the requester can take print of the same from the HMRDC website http// by himself or write the letter in the same format.
- Requester shall not make a request for information or inspection of records which are exempted from disclosure under sections 8 and 9 of the Act.
- Requester shall mention in application whether the information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person.
- The Reply shall be either collected by requester or shall be forwarded to requester either through post or courier, at the address given in the application form.
- Request which are not addressed to PIO or not specifying the exact information required shall not be responded.
- Recourse in case requester is not satisfied with response or lack of it from PIO
- In case the requester fails to get a response from the PIO within stipulated time of the submission of application or is aggrieved by the response received within the prescribed period, he may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority with 30 days, for review. In case appeal is allowed, the information shall be supplied to the applicant by the Appellate Authority.
- Time Schedule
PIO will send the response to requester within the period as specified under the Act.
- Applicable fee and payments:
- Each application for seeking information / inspection of records shall be accompanied by an application fee of ` 10/- by way of Cash / DD / Bankers Cheque / Postal Orders payable to M/s. HMRDC
Bangalore - Fee for providing information / inspection of record will be as follows:
- ` 2/- for each page (in A-4 or A – 3 size), created or copied
- Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
- Actual cost or price for samples or models; and
- Inspection or records; No fee for first hour; A fee of ` 5/- for each subsequent hour or fraction thereof, thereafter;
- ` 100/- per diskette or floppy containing information;
- Information in printed form; price fixed for publication or ` 2/- per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.
- Cost as determined by PIO for furnishing information as per section 7 (3) (a) of the Act.
- Request shall be accepted only when it is related to PIO under the Act and is accompanied by the requisite fee as specified above at 4.1 above.
- Requester, upon getting notice from PIO, shall deposit the additional fee / cost requested in connection with the processing of the request. The PIO shall not be responsible for delays occurred on account of the late receipt of additional payments from the requester.
- Cash payments shall be made to the HMRDC at Regd. Office, against proper receipt, during normal working hours, personally by the requester or his representative and copy of such receipt be accompanied with the application.
- In case the mode of payment is through Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque, the same shall be issued in favour of HMRDC Limited, Bangalore.
- Application along with the money receipt towards cash payment or the Demand Draft or Banker’s cheque shall be accepted by PIO
- Requester shall not enclose any currency note(s) along with the application, delivered through post / courier. It is against provisions of the Act and also the rules governing postal services.
- Requester shall not deposit fee in excess of what is prescribed. Any extra money deposited with the public authority could be claimed by the requester latest within 30 days from date of furnishing of reply by PIO. In any case, such extra amount shall not be considered against any other request for information.
- In case required, PIO shall inform the requester about additional fee / cost to be deposited by him towards furnishing of information or inspection of records. Such additional fee shall be deposited by the requester, as applicable, promptly, prior to release of information / inspection of documents.
- Requester who is below poverty line need not pay any fee. He will have to, however, show the ration card applicable to person below poverty line and submit a copy of same along with application. Such ration card must carry his name as recipient of benefits applicable to persons below poverty line.
(Form – A)
Under Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005)
Date .....................
......................................................................... .............................................................
Dear Sir/Madam,
1- I am a citizen of India. Please furnish the following information to me at my address:
................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................
2- To the best of my knowledge, (the above desired information does not relate to Section 8 & 9 of the Act, which are exempted from disclosure.
3- Whether the information sought concerns the life and liberty of a person? (Yes/No)
( Please tick any one)
4- Details of the fee paid:
4-1 Mode: Cash /DD /Bankers Cheque No.....……….Date……………. Amount……. Drawn in favour of M/s. HMRDC Limited, Bangalore.
Signature of the Applicant
Address .................................. ..................................
E-mail ..................................
(Form – B)
Application for Inspection of Records
Under Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005)
Date .....................
Public Information Officer
Dear Sir/Madam,
1- I am a citizen of India. Particulars of Records to be inspected : ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................
2- To the best of my knowledge, (the above desired information does not relate to Section 8 & 9 of the Act, which are exempted from disclosure.
3- Whether the information sought concerns the life and liberty of a person? (Yes/No)
( Please tick any one)
4- Details of the fee paid:
4-1 Mode: Cash /DD /Bankers Cheque No.................Date ……............ Amount…….
Drawn in favour of M/s. HMRDC Limited, Bangalore.
4-2 Ref: - DD /Bankers Cheque No....................................... Date ……............
Drawn in favour of M/s. HMRDC Limited, Bangalore.
4-3 Receipt No. ................--------------------------------- Date -------------------------
4-4 Amount. Rs.. ................--------------------------------- Date ------------------------
Signature of the Applicant
Address ..................................
(Form – C)
Appeal to the Appellate Authority in HMRDC Limited
Under Section 19 of the Right to Information Act, 2005)
Date .....................
The Appellate Authority
HMRDC Limited .................................
- Date of submission of the request (copy of the ...........................request to be attached):
- Registration number, if available with applicant ............................
- Date of reply, if any, received from Public Information Officer ......................(Copy of the reply to be attached)
- Name : .................................................
Particulars of Public Information Officer: Address : ...................................………………………………….. ………………………………….. - Brief facts leading to appeal (Please tick any one)
- a) No response received ..................
- b) Aggrieved by the response ........................
- Reasons, If any, for appeal being filed after prescribed period of 30 days from date of receipt of reply from the above Public Information Officer (in case of delay only)
- The relief sought ............................... ...............................
Appeal to the Appellate Authority in HMRDC
Copies of Documents relied upon by the applicant .................................
- Particulars of the applicant/appellant .................................
Signature .........................................
Name ...................................
Address ................................... ...................................